Distractions & Inspirations - Summer
Google arts and culture is a tip-off from my art teacher husband and something he directed his students to over the holidays.
It is a platform featuring content from over 2000 galleries and archives, with the ambition of opening up the creative world to a wider audience. There is a huge amount to explore, from street view tours around museums and galleries across the globe, to seeing what your selfie would look like in the style of Van Gogh. So much creative inspiration to engage brains young and old....and it's free!
Based on the novel by Trent Dalton it follows young Eli Bell, his challenging home life and his family's relationship with the criminal underbelly of 1980's Brisbane. It's funny, pacey and tender with a brilliant cast - big fat recommend.
This 'Courgette and salsa verde gratin' is combination of capers, parsley and cheese is always going to be a winner in our book and it would make a great light dish for summer suppers.

This is very much a local recommendation - so apologies to those further afield. Jam Cafe opened in Chichester early 2024 as a not-for-profit cafe offering a creative welcoming space for children and young people, and as a general cafe for all.
Founded by (the wonderful) Sarah Collins, Jam has a range of creative and musical offerings on the menu - from fun stuff such as open mic nights, bingo, quiz nights and craft clubs. To more tangible support sessions helping teenagers find their next steps when they have decided to leave education. There are lots of activities on offer over the summer holidays so if you have young ones please check it out. But it's also a lovely place to support just by popping in a buying a coffee which all helps fund their bigger brilliant work.
Jeffrey is still only 33 but has dressed the likes of Harry Styles and Tilda Swinton. His maximalist style is rooted in clubland, with punk, his Scottish heritage and tribal cultures all evident as inspiration. It's not a huge show but follows Jeffrey's journey starting a club night to success with his own label. It would be hugely enjoyable for anyone with an interest in fashion, street culture and design. And it's free!