Postcard from North St. - July
Never have five women been more grateful for a robust strip of striped cloth than this week! Our awning at No29 has kept us relatively cool with our dignity (mostly) in tact, we hope you have survived the heatwave too.
Not sure if it’s just us, but it feels like the word of the month is ‘turbulence’? Weather, politics, instagram likes have all been hugely up and down…..and it feels from all the conversations we are having in the shop that everyone is just going through 'stuff'. So we are sending positive energy to you all ♡.
We also have some changes ahead for our gorgeous little team…we will of course fill you in soon. But fear not, we are following Captain’s orders, fastening our seat belts and all will be ok.
As a little light relief we had a ‘yay we made it to July’ evening for team WM at a local tapas restaurant. We are rarely all in No 29 at the same time, so a get-together was overdue.
Too many (very delicious) Potatas Bravas might have been ordered, but too few was a risk none of us were willing to take.

In other news, we have stupidly managed a ‘Julia / Sarah holiday clash’ next week (double doh!), so all online orders will be sent w/c 1st August. But Jess, Emma & Rosina will be holding the fort at No29, and if truth be told you probably wouldn’t even notice I was away. The cellar will certainly be tidier!
Thanks as always for reading.
Until next time
Julia xx